Over the Hump- 11 years of Special Moments
So excited to announce that we have made it over the 10 year hump and are celebrating 11 years of Special Moments today in the Tampa Bay Area!
As part of the celebration and in case you are new or not familiar with Special Moments– I am going to take you on a trip down memory lane and give you some fun facts and key people that have come into my life since this journey started and have made an impact in my life one way or another. Finishing this post up with a slideshow that runs about 14 minutes ( It is worth the time though ) for you to enjoy and share in the past 11 years of my life.
When I decide to start the company , it asked you to choose a start date for your company and my husband Bill
( who most of you know real well ) said you should pick a significant date so it will be easy to remember , so Bill suggested my Birthday and so it became official in 2004 on Feb 8th . Special Moments was established.
Deirdre and I met in 2004 at a Starbucks to talk about her assisting me with my website , she believed in me from the beginning and told me I would be a ROCKSTAR some day.. She helped with my very first Logo, website, letterhead and became a great friend that helped me thru the beginning of my entrepreneurial life.
I met Mike leading up to Merry and Dewey’s Wedding in June 2005 and took a chance on him to caterer their rehearsal dinner and I am glad I did ! Great all around guy and I am proud to call him and his wife Marcia friends!
You can check out Mike’s Website here ( http://www.mnmbbq.com)
Elise Enloe, MBC-
My Mentor
This fabulous Lady I met in 2004 , when I joined the Association of Bridal Consultants and she became the Florida State Manager . She took me under her wing, let me get hands on training at several of her weddings and has inspired me to be the person I am! I can never Thank her enough for everything she has done for me!
Brian C Idocks , I met in 2005 as the photographer for Jen and Spence’s Wedding. We became friends by my continuing to be persistent with phone calls to him to get photos from that wedding.He called me up one day, after I finally got those photos and said I am thinking about starting my own company , can you help me with some weddings? We became fast friends and did quite a few weddings over a short period of time together and have enjoyed working together ever since! ( Brian Quote – I do not know why you believed in me, when I continued to ignore your requests for photos from Jen and Spence’s Wedding)
You can check out Brian’s website here ( http://www.briancidocks.com)
Pam and Jesse taught me all I know about outdoor events and rentals and also made me feel like family and I could accomplish anything if I put my mind to it!
You can visit their website here ( http://www.coasttocoasteventrentals.com)
Toni Tassoni and I met while she worked for Connie Duglin and have stayed friends thru the 10 years we have know each other and a day does not go by I am not forever grateful for Connie Duglin bringing Toni into my life. Thank you Toni for being my # 1 fan and forever friend who believes in me.
These ladies are remarkable and cannot imagine enjoying my time in business without any of them.
I cannot say enough wonderful things about this guy! Donnie Brown I met in Colorado and right from the start I knew he was different then other celebrity planners. He actually spend the entire Association of Bridal Consultants Annual conference hanging out with all of us planners like he was one of us. I was able spend some one on one time with him on another occasion and I have never felt so inspired as I do being with him. He treated me like an fellow planner and genuinely cared about me as a person .. Thank you Donnie !
To my ABC Family , I would not be who I am today without all of your support and education . You have made me who I am today and I am forever grateful and thrilled to have so many wonderful friends with such a great organization that has taught me everything I know from the beginning to where I am today!
To My BFF Carmen Mesa , who has trusted and believed in me and has come to be my BFF that I cannot live without, Thank you for always inspiring me, having time to chat and listen, when I know you have a thousand things to do and who has help me have some of the best memories of my professional career.. Thank you so much!!!!! xoxoxoxoxo
BIG THANK YOU goes to Bryan Glynn of BG Pictures – I would not be where I am technology wise without this amazing man’s help ., who puts up with all of my crazy questions at all hours of the day.
Last but not least , my # 1 supporter , who has let me start on this journey and has been there whenever needed and I could not be where I am today without your love and support! LOVE YOU HONEY !!
I am proud to share that Special Moments will be celebrating our 375th Wedding on Feb 21st, 2015!
Now , sit back and click on the slideshow below and enjoy the past 11 years of Special Moments.. from our Clients, to our vendors friends , to behind the scenes photos of me over the years , to my fabulous team that has assisted me in reaching where we are today and where we are going in the future!
To all of the people who have helped me over the years and I did not mention you personally .. Thank you for being there understanding. =)
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